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Unblogged Bits (Tue. 17-Aug-10 1800)

Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….

  1. Even The “Religious Freedom Coalition” Opposes Park 51? – In their own words, “The Religious Freedom Coalition maintains that Religious Freedom is the ‘first liberty’ and wherever Religious Freedom is suppressed there is no true freedom of assembly, press or speech.” Except, of course, when it’s THE EVIL MUSLIMS!
  2. Glenn Beck Attacks Imam Rauf For Understanding Failed Policies Radicalize Muslims, Despite Saying So Himself: Zaid Jilani
  3. Spectacular 3D sculptures made of steel wire – Very cool.
  4. 18 Things I Wish Someone Told Me When I Was 18 – While it gets a bit Overly-Inspirational at times, this isn’t a bad list.
  5. My Thoughts on Oracle v Google – More on the Java suit than you probably wanted to know, but it’s interesting reading (for some values of “interesting”).
  6. 10 Weirdest Reasons To Get Fired – – I wouldn’t call the weird reasons — in at least half the cases they’re fairly outrageous reasons.
  7. Dropping an already-thin pretense – Fox News: Fairly Improving the GOP’s Cash Balance
  8. Glenn Beck Outrages The Right By Saying Gay Marriage Poses No Threat – Even Glenn isn’t immune to the Robespierres of the Right. Why does he hate the children so?
  9. 30 Fun and Fantastic Wedding Invitations – Some very nice design work here. Though I’m not sure I’d want people walking on my face with the flipflops one.
  10. Seventies Japanese Subway Etiquette Posters – These (and a lot of the others when you click through on the posters) are a ton of fun.
  11. The Escapist : News : US Snatches Pokemon World Championship from Japan – Ha!
  12. A gut reaction to moral transgressions – I.e., “The Ick Factor.”
  13. The Ground Zero Mosque – Two solid thought experiments. Unfortunately, too many of the folks involved are knee-jerking, not thinking. Or else they’re thinking of how to exploit the situation.
  14. Complicated Mechanisms Explained in simple animations – These are extremely cool.
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