Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….
- The misjudgments of a poor prosecutor – And yet, Buck remains a leader in the contest. Crikey.
- Joseph Farah: Mitt Romney Is Worse Than Satan – Wow. If I were Obama, I’d feel slighted.
- GOP House Candidate Keith Rothfus Threatens To Defund Supreme Court Decisions (Updated) – And another dozen flavors of craziness here, too.
- Buck Embraces Inhofe: ‘Global Warming Is The Greatest Hoax’ – There’s just eleven kinds of crazy in the quotes in this post.
- How to pet a kitty – The Oatmeal – You have been informed!
- Most Expensive Cities to Live In – Take that, Boston and San Francisco!
- How Many Hours Does The Human Race Spend Playing Facebook Games Every Month? [Casual] – Wow. That’s just … insane.
- Peter Jackson Announces ‘The Hobbit’ Cast – Well, it certainly SOUNDS like good news …
- The Republic of T. » Minimal Wages for All – The cheap-labor conservative mantra. The result? “Wages and salaries now make up the lowest share of the nation’s gross domestic product since the government began recording the data in 1947, while corporate profits have climbed to their highest share since the 1960′s.”
- The Continuing Ethical Collapse of Our Elite Institutions: The Yale Rape Chant Edition : Mike the Mad Biologist – I recall with humor Harvard grad Thurston Howell III recoiling from someone he thought of as a cultural barbarian with the epithet, “A YALE man!” And yet, suddenly, that recoil is no longer nearly so funny.
- Koch Brothers Get Their Buddies On The Supreme Court In Trouble – “It’s a good thing for Scalia and Thomas that in the letter of invitation Charles Koch sent out for their event in Palm Springs next January, he explicitly asked all invitees to keep the meeting a secret from the media. Otherwise the general public would find out that Supreme Court justices secretly meet with Republican politicians, and billionaire business executives to discuss how to impose more corporate-friendly policies on the American people. That might cause the average American to seriously question the integrity of the venerable U.S Supreme Court in its current form.”
- Palin & Huckabee want to slash NPR’s funding for firing Juan Williams over racist anti-Muslim remark – Okay, let me say this slowly and in small words so that Ms. Palin can understand it: “The First A-Mend-Ment to the Con-sti-tu-tion protects people against bad people in gov-ern-ment from throwing you in jail because you said things they don’t like. The End.” Juan Williams being ousted from NPR for talking about how nervous Muslims make him is no more a violation of the First Amendment than Walmart firing some guy for saying on the air how nervous Evangelical Christians make him.
- Liquid Nitrogen Explosion – Fun. (And local!)
- More privacy headaches for Facebook: gay users outed to advertisers – While Facebook certainly facilitates this sort of thing, the fact is that online behavior can be aggregated in such a way as to reveal all sorts of unexpected things about one. It’s, ultimately, part of the cognitive and society shift we will have to make as the Internet insinuates itself into our lives,
- The Floating Cube – You literally can’t believe your eyes.
- Parkour on a skateboard? – Wow. Impressive.
- The Evolution of the Geek / Flowtown (@flowtown)
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