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Unblogged Bits (Tue. 21-Jun-11 1730)

Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….

  1. Florida’s Rick Scott is our Nation’s Most Pathetic Governor. – I would laugh more if he weren’t also in the process of screwing over so many of his constituents, whether they voted for him or not.
  2. Bachmann looks to our Northern neighbors – “Indeed, Bachmann may have inadvertently stumbled upon the more salient point. If Canada’s unemployment rate, which nearly two full points lower than ours, establishes a model that the U.S. should emulate, it isn’t to avoid stimulus spending — since Canada actually approved one — it’s to create a regulatory framework that prevents crises in the first place.”
  3. The Body Odd – Whining is the worst sound in the world, study confirms – File this under “no kidding!”
  4. Rick Perry Will Cancel Air Travel In Texas To Keep TSA Hands Off His Butt – Let them pass it. Ground flights in/out of Texas. Sounds good to me. (Not that I think the TSA or its policies are all that swell, but Perry’s states-rights election-year grandstanding is arguably worse.)
  5. Club Penguin Forgets to Renew Domain Name, Oops | The Disney Blog – Heh.
  6. Gov. Scott Rejects Millions In Health Aid For Seniors, Children, And Disabled To Grandstand Against Health Law | ThinkProgress – Who needs death panels?
  7. Isn’t this just the cutest thing you ever did see? – Wow. That’s pretty sucktastic. Also, not very good theology.
  8. Dishwashers Are Trying to Kill Us [Science] – Eek!
  9. This Clock Built Into the Texas Mountains Will Tell Time For 10,000 Years [Clocks] – There’s a good set piece for some science fiction writing …
  10. What Happens in 60 Seconds on The Internet [Inforgraphic] – This is why I have to stay up late on the Internet! Can’t! Miss! New! Stuff!
  11. Giz Explains: Why Do Air Conditioners Weigh So Much? [Giz Explains] – This one’s for Stan …
  12. Straight Talk From Top Enlisted Marine on ‘Don’t Ask’ Repeal – Washington Wire – WSJ – Sir! Yes, sir!
  13. mental_floss Blog » Operation Barbarossa: The Biggest Military Adventure in History – Seventy years ago tomorrow, Hitler invaded Russia, inaugurating a mass slaughter of both sides on a scale difficult to imagine.
  14. Judge: Wisconsin’s domestic registry doesn’t violate state constitutional ban on gay marriage – The Washington Post – “Wisconsin Family Action” isn’t about “defending marriage” — it’s just about marginalizing gays. I would be very pleased by this ruling, if I thought it won’t be overturned by the state Supreme Court.
  15. Gladiator Chews Out Ref From Grave : Discovery News – Cool.
  16. Overnight bridge work to affect traffic at C-470 and Santa Fe this week – The Denver Post – Been enjoying watching this construction. And the lanes should be opened up by the time I’m commuting that direction the next couple of mornings.
  17. Santorum: Poor History Scores A Result Of ‘Conscious Effort’ By ‘The Left’ To Keep Students Uninformed – No, they’re a result of “back to basics! fire teachers for low test scores! focus on the 3 Rs!” educational policy for the last decade, which basically squeeze out anything that isn’t Reading or Math.
  18. Another Abusive Cop Caught by Video : Dispatches from the Culture Wars
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