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Tweets from 2011-09-12

  • Doctor Who “The Girl Who Waited” – okay, that was creepy, disturbing, awesome. You’ve earned your pay for the week, if not whole season.. #
  • Amazingly bright full moon this a.m. Pretty. #
  • ST:TOS Rewatch “Shore Leave”: Crew on stupid pills. Shoot that just-found gun! Samurai, rly? McCoy fails his Disbelieve roll! Finnegan FTW! #
  • Kay’s intramural athletics requires not one but two different cards with contact numbers, insurance info, etc.? Arrgh! #stupid #irksome #
  • I keep missing when the next insane #GOP debate is going on. Perhaps the Universe is looking after my blood pressure. #
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2 thoughts on “Tweets from 2011-09-12”

  1. I’m loving this season of Dr. Who. It’s been just the right blend of creepy throughout, and really showcases how big a jerk the always affable Doctor really is. I have to agree, however, with comments I’ve seen where the characters have completely handwaved away the issues with their daughter being River Song, and River actually being a psycho!

  2. It is interesting the extent to which, though this is like a fairy tale story for Amy, the Doctor keeps having such feet of clay.

    Also interestingly, he isn’t (like Nos. 9 and 10 did) saying “I’m sorry” all the time.

    Yes, I’d like to see some Amy/Rory (and Doctor) discussion of River being their daughter.

    Margie was irked over the tale because, while Amy is bitching to Rory about 34 years, nobody seems to remember how long he stayed as Auton Centurion inside of the Pandorica (which he still has memories of) …

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