While I disagree with the author in some particulars, his core thesis is sound: the debate over whether homosexuality is a "choice" or a "pre-disposition" or an "orientation" or a "genetic slam-dunk compulsion" is or should be irrelevant to the question of gay rights in our society. All it does is get folks on either side of the of the debate into an ideologically-driven scientific debate, which makes for bad science and worse policy.
The point is one of human rights. On what basis can one justify discrimination against a group of people? Whether they choose to be in that group (as with a religion) or are bound there through fate (as with skin color), if you don't have a sound, rational basis for discriminatory policy (and "My holy book says it's icky" doesn't quality, since there are no end to holy books that say one thing or another is icky), then it shouldn't be part of the law. #ddtb
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Left Hemispheres: The Irrelevance of Choosing to Be Gay