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Tweets from 2012-08-03

  • Watching "Monty Python & the Holy Grail" with the girl. Again. Geek girl is good. #soproud #
  • She picked "Holy Grail". I picked "Neverwhere". #britfriday #
  • Wow. NBC volleyball announcer basically mocking Serbia as not a worthy oppponent? Classy! #uglyamerican #
  • Dear NBC, much more interested in watching Michael Phelps *competing* than endless Michael Phelps flashbacks from last few Olympics. Thx! #
  • Margie suggests a drinking game for each time NBC mentions M. Phelps outside a race he's in. Good thing liquor cabinet is well-stocked. #
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2 thoughts on “Tweets from 2012-08-03”

  1. re the volleyball: Back to the Archery comments really. What is it about so many of your country men that make them act like this.

    I questioned why the US media orders the medal table by total medals on another site (you should be able to read, but not comment): ‘sunderland’03 Aug 2012 1:07 p.m

    “Douche” really (NB, as an insult this doesn’t really exist in the UK, only what has been picked up via the internet”)

    Lesson appears to be “Don’t criticise the US in any way, shape or form.” To quote Les – “What the fuck is wrong with you people”

    1. I do wish I knew, @LH. I’d like to think it’s merely a vocal minority, but I’m not always confident in that.

      The whole medal count thing is, honestly, goofy. That the US is using total medal count vs focus on golds or some sort of weighted measure is a sign of, frankly, insecurity. (Or dramatization by NBC, at least.)

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