I'd really, really, really, really like to think that this represents a teeny-tiny portion of the American public. Really.
If I keep saying that to myself, maybe it will come true.
(Oh, and for more on the nomenclature of "White House", see http://www.snopes.com/language/colors/whitehouse.asp .)
Reshared post from +Les Jenkins
New Post: It's call The White House for a reason… http://stupidevilbastard.com/2012/10/its-called-the-white-house-for-a-reason/
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It’s called The White House for a reason… | Stupid Evil Bastard
So… these people exist: Technically, the statement is correct. It is called The White House for a reason. Because in 1901 that's what President Theodore Roosevelt decided should be its official name. …
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makes me sick…especially the "not to racist but <insert disgustingly racist remark here> tee hee."
Sharing this just gives them more attention.
Perhaps, +Chris Ruhs — but keeping silent about it helps people ignore the problem.
+Dave Hill
It's just as bad as sharing this: Typical obama voter…
That there are general idiots supporting either candidate (not to mention an candidate) is hardly news. The comments are far more illuminating (and disillusioning).
It’s just as bad as sharing this: Typical obama voter…
Umm… Which you just did, Chris, giving it more attention. Seems a bit hypocritical to me.
You know, I never realized that I’m not supposed to shop on the day after Thanksgiving, but it is called Black Friday for a reason!