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Well, this sure epitomizes something

Apparently people around Huy Fong Foods' Irwindale, California, plant, where they manufacture yummy Sriracha hot sauce, have been suffering side effects from the operations and hot-saucey fumes in the area — burning eyes, sore throats, headaches, even nosebleeds are mentioned prominently. After much back and forth and brouhaha, the city has declared the plant a "public nuisance," with the threat of a shut-down.

Now California Republicans say, no, it's not a public nuisance, it's an economic boon to the area.

Um … can't it be both?  I mean, nobody's questioning that the plant provides jobs and tax revenue.  The question is, is that worth people not in the factory but living nearby suffering significant discomfort (at the very least)? That doesn't strike me as "excessive government interference," but exactly what the government is there to do.

Not surprising, Texas — a state with a uniformly wretched environmental record — has expressed an interest in having Huy Fong move there.  Texas never met a revenue-producing effluent it didn't like.  Stick the plant next to a big petrochem refinery down in Galveston and you probably won't have anyone complaining, right?

California GOP Will ‘Stand with Sriracha’ Against Big Government
Earlier this month, the city of Irwindale, California ruled that the Huy Fong Foods Sriracha factory in town is a public nuisance. Now, California Republicans are pledging to “Stand with Sriracha” against Big Government. 

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4 thoughts on “Well, this sure epitomizes something”

  1. The rest of the story is that the factory only has problems (irritation, etc.) when they process the peppers. They are source locally and processed the same day they are picked. This takes place for a very short growing season. The rest of the time – no smell. The city wants them to somehow filter the fumes – an expense they do not seem to be willing to go with. Must be come solution, one would think.

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