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Off to the dentist, now, jiggedy-jig … Bottom line, all’s well in tooth-land. Just my semi-annual cleaning and reaffirmation of What Good Teeth I Have. Which I am not complaining…

Off to the dentist, now, jiggedy-jig …

Bottom line, all’s well in tooth-land. Just my semi-annual cleaning and reaffirmation of What Good Teeth I Have. Which I am not complaining about let me assure you. I’ve had three cavities, and they all hit me in one year as a little kid, and since then my teeth have been sound (if requiring braces, requiring removal for wisdomy nature, and being stained by a youth full of tetracycline).

It’s amazing how dental tech and practice continue to advance. On the tech side, you have things like fully-digital X-rays and orange-cream tooth polish. On the practice side, everything these days is disposable, swathed in plastic, and/or otherwise shielded from spattering of body fluids. I remember back when the dentist didn’t wear a face mask, eye shields, and was, in fact, the dude that cleaned your teeth. And when you were done, you spit in the little swirling rinse bowl …

The one thing that hasn’t changed is that we let folks with stainless steel pointy things poke and scrape and probe and gouge their way around our mouths, fergoshakes. Where the hell are the little plaque-removing nanobots, I ask you?

BONUS HUMOROUS OBSERVATION! When you are looking at a little ad at the dentist’s office counter that is waxing eloquent about the wonders of teeth whitening treatments, and it wraps up with a fabulous Save $100! offer, it probably means it’s really expensive.

BONUS DENTAL FACT! Did you know that the dark stains caused by tetracycline are actually photosensitive, and grow darker in the light?

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2 thoughts on “Toothsome”

  1. Doesn’t your dentist use the sonic plaque removing gizmo? Have you been shown your teeth with the “mouth cam”? I wiched they’d just give up on flavoring the tooth polish; they all taste bad regardless of what flavor they are. Bleh!

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