Heck, where’s Larry Tate?
My free Blog Ad over at Ghost of a Flea has drawn an amazing click-thru rate of 0.597%, or 7 clicks on 1173 pageviews. Which is mildly disappointing, but emblematic of either (a) why I’m not in the ad biz, or (b) why I don’t bother advertising my site.
The fact is, to be a great (or even moderate) success in the blog world, viz. lots of hits, you need to be strongly dedicated to a particular topic: politics, hi-tech, whatever. Even being dedicated to Warm & Fuzzy Domestic Bliss can be successful, if you’re a good writer. But you need to both draw an audience, become the “best” at something, and then keep them. Going the scatter-gun approach like here just doesn’t do it, as folks who think my political comments are faboo go through occasional dry spells, people who think my gaming stuff is worth a repeat visit get turned off by my occasional religious screeds, and people who enjoy my comic book reviews wonder why I haven’t written one in three months.
But (to echo a theme from yesterday), my only mission here is to talk about what’s catching my eye, ear, or brain. Stream-of-life. Which, ultimately, is probably only interesting to a small set of people, since my life is not (I will be the first to admit) not that interesting to anyone who’s not living it.
Hmmm. Maybe some comic book reviews tonight …
Well, the final tally seems to have been 9 clicks on 1,854 pageviews, or 0.485%. I don’t think I’ll be giving up my day job very soon.