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More mixed messages

Couple agree to have a kid, woman gets pregnant by artificial insemination, couple breaks up, woman sues for child support … … and the court rules the “informal agreement” isn’t…

Couple agree to have a kid, woman gets pregnant by artificial insemination, couple breaks up, woman sues for child support …

… and the court rules the “informal agreement” isn’t enforceable. Largely, as far as I can tell, because it’s a Lesbian couple; were it a guy who flaked out on the situation, whether the insemination were natural or artificial, I can guarantee he’d be shelling out monthly for the next 18 years. And rightfully so.

Yet another case where, rather than following existing models, both courts and legislatures are treating gay relationships as something fundamentally different than straight ones, even regarding similar issues (such as custody and child support). I can only hope that we societally get our acts together and figure this out before more kids get caught in the crossfire.

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5 thoughts on “More mixed messages”

  1. Oh why do GLTG people hate America so.

    Don’t they understand that if they just did conformed to what the right thinking people in this country told them to conform to, then we wouldn’t have to put these bright red letters on their chests…er…um…allow them to have their day in court.

    I mean this perverse desire to demand special rights, and by that I mean the same rights that everybody has if they just would merry people of the opposite gender, only undermines this great countries G-D given vision of the city on the hill.

    This county was founded by great individuals that found that conforming to the majority was what would make this country the envy of the world. If they to would just be like everybody else, they to would be allowed to participate as equal members of society.

    Remember, Equality isn’t for everybody.

  2. Arrggg…

    My snarky right brackets didn’t transfer.

    >channeling righty

    >/channeling righty

    Oh well, next time i’ll do them reversed as above.

  3. Given that it was the Massachussetts Supreme Judicial Court which made the ruling, I’m not sure that blaming this on the “righties” is altogether accurate. Not that I haven’t heard “righties” expressing those sorts of sentiments.

    If you want to use angle brackets, it might be best to use the HTML entities ampersand-gt; and ampersand-lt; (where “ampersand-” is an actual “&”). Then HTML won’t interpret them as such, and MT won’t try to filter them out, too.

    Or you can just use [square brackets] … I think we’ll get the idea.

  4. The article that I read this morning had some other angle on it (regarding Virginia). One of the Women lives in Virginia (which has very strict laws against gays and children) and the other in Massachussetts. Some of the opinions given by the one of the justices cited Virginia law as a reason not to grant child support, along with the whole “all contracts but this one are valid” in other states problem.

  5. If so, then shame on them. Though it’s ironic that in this case you have a state upholding the sentiment of Virginia law, while in the other I quoted today you have Virginia explicitly ignoring another state’s child custody court rulings.

    {Mutters to self disgustedly.}

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