Steve Jackson Games issued various “cardboard heroes” — front-back printed pieces of cardboard with figures on them — a decade or two ago, but they never really took off in RPGs vs mini-figs (painted or otherwise). A pity, because they’re a fast and cheap and effective way to populate an encounter or a campaign.
Several months ago I picked up a collection of all the Fantasy CHs they’d done, collected and reissued, and they’ve been great. There were promises of Modern CHs being reprinted — both the supers figures they’d once done (which I still have) and varoius mundane soldiers/police/crooks/spies/civilians that would be so incredibly handy for my current spy campaign.
Well, at long last the Modern project has an ETA: September. Booyah!
UPDATE: And, by coincidence, a pointer at Uncle Bear to another fine page with a number of similar counters for free (though you have to print them yourself).