The layman’s guide to Starbucks drinks (and a FAQ about other matters), straight from the unauthorized barista’s mouth:
Starbucks coffee tastes like crap!
You’re welcome to your opinion. I like the stuff myself, but despite my time in the green apron I’m no connoisseur. I wouldn’t turn up my nose at Folgers Singles — well, not much. There are several reasons some people don’t like our coffee. For example, Starbucks coffee is roasted about twice as long as most other coffees. Is this over-roasting it? Beats me. If it’s too strong ask for a cup of “mild” coffee (which will be something like Lightnote or Breakfast Blend) and see if it’s any better. Or perhaps you got a bad batch. Or it was a kind of coffee you just didn’t like. (I noticed, for example, that whenever our regular coffee of the day was the 30th anniversary blend, sales of mild coffee jumped dramatically.) Or maybe it is crap. Who knows? It’s all a matter of taste. I wouldn’t say McDonald’s is haute cuisine, but that doesn’t stop them from serving Billions & Billions. Likewise, whether the coffee is “crap” or not, people buy it, and they come back for more. And Chicken McNuggets are really good with honey.
(via GeekPress)