Got an @tell from Doyce last night that he’d spotted Paladin over in Kings Row. Turns out it was “spotted” by way of “two-shotted whilst reading the post-mission text.” Quick changed over to Lynn Calodo and hustled over there to meet Pummelcite and Sable Fist.
Searched unsuccessfully for a while, until Doyce noticed clockwork making a beeline in a direction. We followed, and up from below popped Paladin.
Bim, bam, boom. Took a couple of minutes to bring him down, and Lynn burned her last Christmas Present, but it was a good kill. (Pummy’s hard to see in the pic because of Sable’s glow and his color scheme matching Paladin’s.)
(Amused to discover that Sable was also a Dark Melee/Invuln Scrapper with Super-Jump as her travel power. Some sort of an echo in here. Though she’s a level higher than Lynn.)
No badge (you get that for stopping Paladin being built, it appears), but a nice chunk of XP.
Errant Knight so that you can make all you Storm Knight friends JEALOUS. ;P
Last night ran my Brute and got him from 10th to 12th…almost a travel power!
The Fire/Dark Build is all sorts of wonderful. 😀
Mister Ravenous just dinged 16, so he now has Unyielding and need not suffer the indignity of being knocked on his ass by some shotgun-wielding mook. Not that it hurts him, but it compromises the decorum of the feasting event.
Yes…I do not know how many times I kept saying “level 20…Acrobat.” Last night.