Greater love hath no man …

… than that he remember to download the I7 upgrade files for his wife’s machine while she’s off on a business trip. (Note to self: do same on the spare notebook tonight.)
So, yes, 350Mb of I7 goodness, just waiting to be patched and activated. Glee …

7 thoughts on “Greater love hath no man …”

  1. Thanks for mentioning that! I’ve been having problems with multiple crashes of CoX during loading, so I’ve been quitting to the login screen. Made sure to quit the program completely today so it could update. Pretty big patch; took over 10 minutes.

  2. 10 minutes?!?!?
    *sigh* Last night when I logged off it tallied 27 hours.

  3. Sounds like the server was choked with people trying to download it all at once. Middle of the day, not so bad. 🙂

  4. Kate.
    It is a after exiting Download, so no need to log in early or anything.
    8 hours to go…oh the joys of dial up.

  5. Yeah — just don’t sign out right before KN figuring you’ll hop back in. (Though the download can be interrupted).
    It ran about 20 minutes on our connection — but seriously hung up the machine when our WiFi crapped out on us in mid-download. (I am about *this* far from getting another wireless hub — I like the Netgear, but we seem to be locking up a couple of times each evening, solved by coldbooting the hub).

  6. I dumped the wireless connection. Roomie and I now have a coaxial cable running between oiur bedrooms.
    Now, if only I could work out how to get a static IP so I can run DC++ in active mode. I found a website that explains it in great detail, even down to how to deal with individual router models, but it’s not helping. :p

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