Tank Busters

So this particular thread caught my eye on the LJ COH site, claiming that it was confirmed that Tanks no longer had inherent taunt/Gauntlet/punchvoke powers against AVs and GMs, nor did taunt auras (e.g., Invincibility) seem to have any effect..


So that points to this board thread, which has a number of people making that claim, backed up by someone claiming that an anonymous dev told him that “Gauntlet power effects (including taunt auras) have no effect on ArchVillains, Giant Monsters, Mitos, and Hamidon. This is by design.” Supposedly (based on this secret source) this went in at I7 because the Devs didn’t
like how tanks could lock down AVs/GMs with their Gauntlet stuff, and so they should have to use Taunt on AVs.

This “revelation” was then followed by wailing and gnashing of teeth and “DOOOOOOOM” and “NERF!” and “They want to turn all Tanks into Taunt-bots!” To which the only red name, Castle, says, “No comments on the gauntlet issue at the moment — but I am reading the threads and taking notes.”

And that, in turn, not being a flat denial, is turned around to be proof that it’s all true.

I have no idea, to be honest, though I do have a passing interesting in the issue (currently duoing with a tank as I am, and running into scenarios that may end up with AVs in them if we forget to ratchet down). My inclination is to wait and see what sort of follow-up the Devs have, though, rather than going for the sackcloth and ashes routine like so many of the board folk seem wont to do. That said, if true, I’d have like to have seen it in the patch notes — but I’m also “old school” re
tanks and think they should have Taunt.

So there.

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