Vet Rewards

So I’ve passed the 27 Months (“Dedicated”) Vet Reward.

At the end of this month (7/29), I’ll hit the 30 Month (“Committed”) reward, which is some costume bits, some base decor, and a costume change.  Meh.

At Halloween (10/29), I’ll hit 33 Months (“Unswerving”), which will give me  the (huzzah!) permanent Nemmie Staff or Blackwand.  Yay!  I know some characters who will jones for that.

At the end of January (1/29), I’ll hit the magic 36 Months (“Addicted” – ya think?), which gives me a little non-combat pet.  Which is both goofy and fun.


7 thoughts on “Vet Rewards”

  1. Interesting. Based on that, you started playing about a month after I did?
    Given the lapses I’ve had in my subscription here and there, it’s a good bet will get our Unswerving and Addicted badges pretty much at the same time.

  2. I love my crazy little useless pets. I have a Rikti monkey for my Scrapper Slayer (I think), Sparky the Clockwork for Ginger, and Scooter the Demon for my Assassin. I don’t think I’ve picked pets for my Noelles yet — after all, she has Jack!

  3. Well, I started playing a few days after Dave, but only stuck around for 16 months. That would have entitled me to five Veteran rewards, if they had instigated them while I was still playing. (The Avocet could have had wings!)
    That’s longer than I played Star Wars Galaxies (about a year, including Beta). Now I have a lifetime subscription to The Lord of the Rings Online. As long as I play for longer than 20 months, I’ll have saved money on my subscription.
    Now I have to decide whether or not to go to the Penny Arcade Expo in Seattle next month. The LotRO team will have a booth there, but I’m not sure if I’d have fun. The information on the website is scanty. It looks like you spend the weekend playing games (tabletop and electronic) with strangers. Anybody been to one that can tell me more about it?

  4. The Perma-Nemmie is awesome. I use it to annoy my girlfriend almost every time we duo. (Hers won’t show up for another couple of weeks yet. Bwahahaha.)
    I’m sort of looking forward to the silly pet in a couple of months. Don’t ask me why. *shrug*

  5. The Nemmie is fantastic, but I don’t use it for everybody. It doesn’t fit the concepts.
    I SHOULD be Addicted already, but my free Katrina months don’t count.
    I want my pet. Dammit.

  6. My Harry Dresden clone (The Wizard Hal) is looking forward to having Blackwand. Nemmie might look both less and more appropriate, but Magic characters get a bonus with BW.

  7. I love the Nemesis staff for Mal.
    I’ve only called the pet for my two DJ alts over on Virtue. The Redcap makes a nice Gremlin.

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