Recent gaming

A little of this, a little of that.

Margie noticed me playing a lot with Old Saucy Jack (BS/Reg Scrapper), and enjoyed my telling of the Mid Life Crisis SG he’s in, so she’ quick ran up My Thyme (BS/RS Scrapper), and we’re now only a level or two apart.  BS is one of the prettiest sets out there, visually and audibly, and now that I have Whirling Blade (at 20), I’m a very happy man.

We’ve not done a lot with our other duos — a bit with Rita & Runt (high 30s now, I think) and Kitsune-Chan (Ill/Rad Controller) and  Ex-Terra (Spines/?? Scrapper).

My hottest solo character at the moment is Miss Crackle (Elec/Nrg Blaster), who I’m having a lot of fun with at 16.  Electricity is a fine power set.  A bit of action with Djinn Taniq (Storm/Nrg Def, 6), too.

Been doing some low level tank action, both Ike Berg (Ice/Ice, 8) and Unlikely Ally (Fire/Fire, 9).  I’m seeing a lot more tanks on PUGs these days, which makes me think the AT is coming back into style.

A bit of Mastermind play with Jack Byzantine (Nec/Dark, 8) and Oni of Shadows (Nin/Arch, 10).

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