New weapons

Someone’s doing screen caps (legitimately, despite the closed beta) of all the weapon options.  Nice stuff, as well as making notes of which are or aren’t colorable.

Insert litany of complaints on the boards about (a) “They didn’t include my favorite!” (b) “This AT power got more options than that AT power” and (c) “That’s not a Glaive-Guisarme, that’s a Lucerne Hammer”  Etc.  BAB comments.

Additional textures have to be created to fully support color tinting of weapons. They also have to be set up and exported a different way, hooked into the costume menu slightly different, additional scripts have to be written for them. It’s not a ton of work, but overall it’s just a couple of extra steps that we simply haven’t had time to do on every single weapon we’ve pulled out of the library of existing things. Bows, on top of all of that, have another couple of extra steps because they have to be animated to match the player animations.

Why so many maces and swords and not bows or claws? Because our existing library of weapon models is full of that type of stuff. Not a lot of bows on the other hand…what was there is basically in.

The original plan was to have only 3 unique options for each weapon set. The default weapon, the villain version if it existed, an arcane version and a tech version. I really pushed to get as many things in as we could with the intent of filling in the rest later as time permitted. If it’s really that big of a deal to you guys that there are just more options available to mace than bows, we can very easily go in and comment everything out so that everyone has an exactly equal number of options available. But I really don’t think that’s what anyone wants, is it?

All I can say is that we will continue to create new weapon models, obviously starting with the sets that are a bit sparse right now.

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