Been sort of slowly getting into the groove of LotRO, figuring out what works and what doesn’t, learning how much crafting / auctioning drives me nuts and how much just adds some change to my pocket. Becoming comfortable with death defeat and figuring out how much we can bite off to chew and all that.
Our Loremaster duo is up to 13, which is where our original Cap/Champ pair were when we got tired of them. I feel like the LMs are a lot more enjoyable (in a game with excessive running around, ranged attacks are da bomb). Our Hunter duo is at 19 now, and doing well, too (see previous note).
Margie is doing a fair amount of solo play; I occasionally get on for that, but it’s really about fourth on my list of things to burn my spare time.
I remain fairly happy with the game — not obsessive, but it makes for a pleasant passtime to leaven the TV schedule (or vice-versa).