CoX – Observations from the weekend

  1. Did a lot of solo play in CoX, mostly with lower-level characters I hadn’t run during the Rikti invasion period (since jogging around Paragon is sooooo passé). Didn’t play much with Margie because she was [REDACTED DUE TO NDA].
  2. There is very little in the game that matches throwing a Tesla Cage on a Tesla Knight. It made me giggle. Repeatedly. Ask Margie.
  3. Which is worse about the character “Anoying Little Demon” — that he was spamming the Broadcast channel asking for Influence, or that he misspelled the word “Annoying” in his name?

6 thoughts on “CoX – Observations from the weekend”

  1. Stunning Freak Stunners is also fun.
    It was actually a fun weekend. I got some great gameplay with Miss Crackle and a few others. I got Spangled up quite a few levels, too, and discovered a dearth of useful info online about the Dual Blades power (“It’s a floor wax!” “It’s a dessert topping!”).
    When Margie had pulled herself away from her [REDACTED], we pulled out our MM duo for the first time in months and had a hoot-n-a-half ripping up the town.

  2. OOooh, Dual Blades is very cool. THe combo moves are very powerful. I think there are several good guides on the official CoH forums, but if you can’t find anything let me know and I’ll see what else I can dig up for ya!

  3. There are *no* guides in the Scrapper guides (hmm — need to look up other ATs with the power). The AT has some interesting power combos — but they introduce a lot (more than usual) of sound and fury on the boards as to which combo is best (early / mid / late game), when to respec, which powers are da bomb / awful, etc. I need to do more reading. 🙂
    I did find one guide at GameAmp or some such place that was pretty good.
    I also need to get a new hero planning program; the CoX Hero Builder (SilverSherk) hasn’t been updated in a few issues, so I can’t even plan out a DB/WP scrapper.

  4. I love Confusing adjacent Fake Nemesis.
    It’s like playing Rock ’em Sock ’em Robots!

  5. Ah! Also good times.
    If there’s anything in the game that’s more fun than Tesla Cage (against critters notorious for using it), it’s Confuse in general. Endless fun.
    Speaking of whom … was pleased to see the Storm Knights base up and running and able — and some relatively recent logins from the SG — when Fazenda and Araware were on last week.

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