Problems logging in?

There have been some problems, post-I13, with folks being able to login or get to the updater or other annoying things like that. Ex Libris suggests:

We are continuing to get reports via support and our forums that some of you are experiencing trouble with the patching process. To assist you in this matter our Tech Support Specialists have given us the following information for you to help troubleshoot your issues.

Most of these issues are caused by software firewalls blocking the update, or after the update occurs, the firewall ‘quarantines’ files that it thinks are possibly malicious due to them changing.

The first thing that should be done is configure your firewall:

Make sure that both cohupdater.exe and cityofheroes.exe are added as trusted programs, with full access to the Internet. Sometimes old entries remain, so you may need to remove all current entries for these applications and re-add a new one. Disabling the software does not always allow free access across your program files. If the errors persist after this you could try temporarily uninstalling your firewall software.

Next, if you still see checksum errors, delete the file coh.checksum, then find the file that the checksum is failing on, such as cityofheroes.exe in the game’s root directory, or player.pigg in the Piggs directory and delete that file as well. Once deleted run the updater again, and the files should download properly.

If you are still experiencing an issue after configuring your security software, temporarily uninstalling your security software, and deleting the game files that are causing an error, please submit a question to our Technical Support Team here: Ask A Question! so that we can address the issue on an individual basis. Please include the following information so that we may better assist you.

We have a small utility that will run traceroutes, pathpings, and port tests to our servers; please run this test so that we will have some data regarding your connection. Make sure that you are connected directly to your modem during this process. To download the network tool, please browse to the following link:

Network Tool

Right-click the “netinfotool” file and choose Save As. Save the file to your desktop. After the download is complete, double-click the file on your desktop. Follow the on-screen prompts. The tool will take from 5-15 minutes to run. It will create two new files, one named “EULA” and one named “network_data_coh”, in the same folder where you saved the test utility. Please include this file in your support question.

Please also send us as much of the following information as possible:

  • A thorough description of the problem, including the exact text of any error messages received.
  • What type of connection do you have (cable, DSL, dial-up)?
  • Are you on a home, campus, or business network?
  • Are you using a router?
  • Who is your Internet service provider?
  • Where are you located?
  • Are you connecting through a router or hub? If so, what is the name and model number?
  • What firewall software do you have installed?

Direct Link to File a Support Ticket! 

And if you’re running NOD2, here’s more help.

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