Supergroup Super-Leaders!

Ta–daaaah! It’s Super-Leader! 

Actually, this is a new SG rank coming out in I14. It’s not a rank per se, but it give a way for customer support, et al., to deal wit SG leadership problems (leaders unavailable, leaders behaving badly, etc.). Per Sun Storm:

This tool essentially allows us to resolve your tickets more rapidly, keeps us from getting involved in SG/VG political drama, and also keeps groups that may have lost leadership from losing access to a fully operating base.

The new rank introduced in this issue is called, duh, duh, duh … “Super Leader” The super leader title does not have to denote actual leadership or rank within the SG, consider them mainly to be the key master or owner of the group.

Due to the current format in game, we had a few options, we could either demote everyone but one person or we could auto promote a single leader into the new position. We opted to go with the second option.

So when Issue 14 goes live, the highest ranking leader that had most recently logged in will be promoted to the “super leader” position. This ensures that every group that is currently active will have someone who recently played the game in this rank.

Any of you wishing to pinpoint who that person should be can effectively set up those permissions now by changing the ranks of members so that you have the one person you would like to have this access be the only SG leader at the time Issue 14 goes live.

Unlike some forum chat, it’s not necessary to demote everyone — but if you don’t, it will be a random thing based on which Leader was logged in last.

The super-leader, as I understand it, essentially allows someone to deal with the other Leader rank toons. Promoting someone to SL (which the SL can do) makes that person the new SL (demoting themselves to just plain L). It makes sense, I suppose, and should help Customer Service a lot, as well as some SG logistics. It’s probably a net benefit (until demonstrated otherwise) in helping with the Drama.

We’ll see.

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