Other I14 stuff I missed

Some cool bits only recently brought to my attention (i.e., catching up on back reading).

Black Market / Wentworth’s Consignment House

  • Characters (on active accounts) who have inventories, bids or items for sale in the Black Market or in Wentworth’s Consignment House will no longer have to log into the game within 60 days to avoid item or influence/infamy expiration.
  • In-game Black Market and Wentworth employees will still give their friendly reminder, however if your account is “active”, they won’t take your “stuff”.

Yes! Though, to be honest, it was an excellent way to stay on top of my less-used characters, I am glad that I don’t have to worry about this any more.

Flight: Made adjustments to Hover and Flight powers. The minimum speed for these powers is now higher. This includes Kheldian Flight powers.

Faster Flying = Goodness.

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