CoX: No more Mr. Nice Guys

Or Ms. Nice Guys, since so far our Praetorians have all been female.

Last night we wrapped up the Responsibility Loyalist arc with Ms. Crackle and Positive Force.  The last mish with Inspector Kang felt a bit short (or shorter than I expected), before heading off to be a Praetorian Ambassador of Good Will to the folks on Primal Earth.

(It is interesting the differences and parallels in the motivations for sending Responsibility Loyalists vs. Warden Resistance toons over to Primal Earth, not to mention variations in the “what you can expect” briefings you get before you go.)

The send-off at the portal is similar — chatting with some (surviving) former colleagues and comrades before deciding on whether to head to Paragon City or Rogue Isles.  For both of the “good guy” (caring about the People) series we run, the strong suggestion has been Paragon; I’m presuming the opposite will be true for “bad guy” (out for our jollies) folks we run for the next two series.

The Responsibility Loyalist arc ends with an interesting conversation (no spoilers) that highlights the limitations of CoX’s new (very cool) multi-path dialog trees.  By simulating what responses you’re giving (even if providing you with multiple scripted answers to give), the sense of “railroading” dialog sometimes seems even greater than just clicking on an Accept button. I didn’t feel that any of the dialog I was choosing between in that final exchange was what Ms. Crackle would have said.

Anyway, that’s another pair back in Paragon City.  We’ve been adding them to our SG already there (one reason we chose the Victory server), even though that makes them “Animaniacs” (sigh), but it does give them a base.  And if the Loyalists and the Resistance end up running across each other, they’ve agreed to look in the opposite directions.  After all, it’s all for the People of Praetoria.

Next up, our Crusader Resistance pair (otherwise known as “Anarchy for Fun and Channeling of Anger”).  I’ve rolled up yet another rendition of Eliza Dee (my Power Girl / Galatea knock-off, 4th edition), a Super-Strength / Willpower Brute.  Margie put together Fragile Package (mysterious Clockwork figure), a Rad/Kin Corruptor.  While it’s obviously way too early to really tell, the first few mishes we finally ran (after much costume work) went pretty smoothly.

(It’s also a nice change of pace for us.  I’m usually the ranged/support toon — Controller, Blaster, Defender, etc. — with Margie giving or taking the up-close punches.  We’re changing that around a bit with this pair.  We’ll see how that works.)

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