The crickets are quiet … too quiet …

CricketsSo not much to report in the realm of gaming.

  1. Margie and I both have beta invites to Elder Scrolls Online. We’d love to actually play in the beta, but we have been unable to disconnect on any of the open occasions we’ve tried.
  2. Kay and Margie are both playing LotRO on and off.
  3. We all three intermittently play Torchlight II and Pirate 101.
  4. Most of the gaming at home, though, has been on Android phones/tablets — Spirit Stones and (for Margie and Kay) Dragonville seem to be the main games to play.

So … things are quiet.

I’ve been watching the updates from City of Titans. There’s certainly no lack of imagination with that group — I’m hoping they can actually ship product.

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