Trick or … oh, never mind …

So, the Halloween Event (complete with Paragon Times article, no less), and …

Ho hum.

We ran a couple of Hildy/Torchy mission — struggling with Malta, rolling over Crey — and finally got over to PI, the only zone that we could Trick-or-Treat in.

Um …

So, very little gain for the time involved. Really. Click on a door every couple of minutes and get a big Insipration (a fraction of the time) or a trio of whites (or a white and a yellow). Stand around. Rinse. Repeat. And it can’t be mission doors — it has to be non-mission doors. And it has to be in a particular zone. And if your team mate does it, you don’t get a treat. Etc.

Very low value-per-minute there.

After about 40-odd minutes in which Torchy got squat in the way of salvage (i.e., Halloween costume parts), Margie mentioned that she’d harvested a bunch earlier in the day. So we went back to the base, divvied up the goodies, hopped over to Croatoa, chatted with Annah, and …

Okay, fifth costume slot. Cool. Ish. Will be more cool when we get free costume tokens with I8. Meantime …

Okay, I know they don’t want people harvesting and PLing via the Halloween Event. But as it stands, the XP-per-minute is way below (even counting travel time) a normal mission. So why, aside from the dubious fifth costume slot, invest anything in it.

Oh, well. Plenty of fun chatter on the CC last night, which was nice.

4 thoughts on “Trick or … oh, never mind …”

  1. Um …
    So, very little gain for the time involved. Really. Click on a door every couple of minutes and get a big Insipration (a fraction of the time) or a trio of whites (or a white and a yellow). Stand around. Rinse. Repeat. And it can’t be mission doors — it has to be non-mission doors. And it has to be in a particular zone. And if your team mate does it, you don’t get a treat. Etc.
    Very low value-per-minute there.

    This is an excellent summary and one that is far gentler than I would have written.

  2. What’s the process for getting the fifth costume slot? I believe I know someone who’ll be pining for it.

  3. You ding enough “Treats” to pick up the occasional bit of salvage, to wit, one each of four different costume pieces.
    Or, alternately, you have a really cool partner who soloed a bunch of ToT and stuck those salvage bits in the base salvage bins.

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