Now I shall taunt you a zeroeth time!

Tanker and Brute auto-taunts aren’t working — both auras and Gauntlet. Swell. Maybe we’ll hold off on playing Torchy/Hildy awhile until it’s fixed.

Or maybe it’s only working on minions, Which is still not all that good.

As a silver lining, they spotted that “Gauntlet from pool powers like Boxing or Air Superiority have, apparently, never worked.” Eek. That’s going to be fixed with the other problem.

2 thoughts on “Now I shall taunt you a zeroeth time!”

  1. You know…
    Every other bloody archetype power works. Demonstrably. It is, in fact, the oldest archetype power in the game (alongside the Scrapper ability to do crits), before there even were such things for the other ATs.
    And yet… somehow… THIS is the power that’s unbalancing the game.
    The tank … the brick … in super hero genres, they take the beating — it’s what they DO. Doesn’t matter if it’s a swarm of army guys or friggin’ Galactus, it’s the tanks up front, taking the hits so everyone else can dish the damage. They do that by SMACKING THE CRAP OUT OF STUFF, not by giving come-hither gestures. (Brutes aren’t taking Taunt — I get that — but the reason isn’t because they can get by with taunting auras… the reason is because they CAN’T SURVIVE THE AGGRO. Tanks aren’t taking Taunt as much because the devs rearranged the powersets so that they don’t LEARN to use taunt at the same low level they did for two years.
    I mean… seriously: They changed the power progression so that Taunt isn’t even an option until you’re halfway through the teaming-heavy Hollows, and they’re somehow SUPRISED that players learn to get by without it?
    And their solution is not to change the progression back, but to screw with the thing they’ve replaced it with, which has worked FINE for three years.
    That’s brilliant.
    So damned frustrating that they saw some need to screw with that, it’s not like AoE attacks from AVs and Giant monsters don’t routinely and consistently drop other members of the group.
    Seriously. Damn it.

  2. Well, in these particular cases, it does seem to be a bug. I do agree, though, that Gauntlet/auto-Taunt for Tanks should be a no-brainer. It’s not like they have another primary role on the team.

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