Someone’s tracking the cost of Invention Salvage. It’s worth having the list in hand just so you don’t, y’know, sell some Pangean Soil to a contact for 5K (rather than the 4.5MM it’s selling for recently). Or, conversely, so you have some idea of what buying the pieces for that nifty IO you just picked up will actually cost.
The list is being regularly linked to in the City Scoop newspaper (on the CoX boards).
And, btw, that link to Pangean Soil is actually to the Dread Tomax guide to what Invention Salvage gets used for what, part of the City of Data pages. Very spiffy.
Now if you could just run a nice add-on that would pop-up all that kind of data when you moused over something in the auction house.
Oh yeah, NCSoft doesn’t let anyone make 3rd party ‘legit’ add-ons…
Yeah, fact is there are eleventy-dozen interface things that would make the whole salvage/invention/auction house interface a *lot* more friendly to use. (And those don’t even count the annoying distinction between selling something at the auction house and running around to a store or contact to sell it.)