Carrot Salad

This is the salad you take to the potluck that has 10 salads – no one else will have this one!


3 lbs cooked sliced carrots (can use frozen)
1 green pepper – sliced
1 onion – sliced

1 can tomato soup
1/2 c oil
3/4 c vinegar
1 Tsp Worcestershire sauce
1 c sugar

1. Cook carrots al dente.
2. Mix dressing ingredients.
3. Pour dressing over carrots, green pepper and onion.
4. Refrigerate overnight.

Serves: 12

I used dried onions and added chives in place of green pepper (which I don’t like).
I made 1/3 and kept the rest of the dressing for salads – delish!!!!

Source: Children’s Home Society Las Ninos Auxillary pot luck a long time ago.  Someone named Ellen brought it.

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