A wooden spoon with a long, thin handle is the perfect instrument to shove the cork right into the bottle and free your wine, according to Food Mob Bites. Remove any foil covering, wrap the bottle neck in a towel and apply pressure to the top of the cork. With some strength, it should pop free and slide into the bottle without creating any cork crumbs. To pour, tip the bottle and push the cork out of the way. This also works with the point of a ski pole.
Use a wall to knock it out.
If you’re desperate with zero tools to open your wine, just wrap that bottle in a towel, and smack it loose. Cover the bottle of wine in the towel, making sure both the sides and bottom are wrapped up. Rhythmically bang the bottle’s base against a solid wall (not drywall), moving it in a horizontal motion. Repeat until the cork begins to more out of the bottle, then yank it out! It will take some patience and strength. As long as the surface is sturdy, you can use anything from a brick wall to a coffee table. Just make sure the bottle is well-cushioned by the towel, or you could end up with a shattered mess.
If you don’t have a towel handy, you can also take off one of your shoes and use that, too. Be careful to choose a flat shoe with padding inside, though, or one hard smack can bust open the entire bottle.
You could also just use a book.
If you don’t have a wall, a tree works just as well.
If you’re worried about damaging a wall or door, you don’t need it. With nothing more than your legs and a hard soled shoe, you can still slap the cork out of the bottle.Take a seat and place the bottle upside-down between your thighs. Hold it in place tightly as you evenly hit the bottom of the bottle with the flat sole of your shoe. Keep smacking the wine until the cork eases out a bit. , Yank the cork out with your hand when it’s sticking out of the bottle far enough to grab.
Happen to have a bike pump nearby? Probably not, but it’s still a neat tool to use for a unique wine-opening method. Stick your bike pump between the cork and the rim and get pumping – gently, three or four pumps. As you force air into the bottle, you’ll create enough pressure to make it fly out of the bottle.Unlock the cork with your car key.
Grab your car keys—with just one metal key, you can wiggle out a wine cork. Push your key at a 45° angle into the cork until most of the key is in the cork. Then, push the key around in circles while pulling up; the cork will start to screw upward and will eventually twist free of the neck.
Just Stab the Cork Out with a Knife.
If you’re all out of keys and have tried the slapping methods above, chances are you do have a knife of some kind nearby. Though serrated is best, you can wiggle a wine cork out with any knife, much like with the key method. Stick the knife in the cork and carefully move it in a twisting motion. As you twist it, pull up, and the cork will begin to rise. Once it’s out about an inch, stab the cork on its side and turn until it’s completely free of the bottle. Watch your fingers though!
Slice It Off
If it’s sparkling wine you’re drinking, or even champagne, you can use the (somewhat dangerous) trick of slicing off the cork, along with a little bit of the glass. This trick is called sabrage, or sabering, and is done with a saber, sword, or machete. Obviously, this should be a last resort. When you become a sabering pro, think about investing in a wine saber Champagne sword to take your class level up a notch.
Heat It Up
If you have a cheap bottle of wine and want to get all warmed up for the winter, you can make some makeshift mulled. To get the cork out, boil some water, take it off the heat and put the bottle in… the cork will slowly creep out on its own! When the bottle is open, dump that water and pour the wine into the pot. Heat it and add your mulling spices. Simmer a little and serve. You can also use a blowtorch instead of boiling water if you have one (which you should – for creme brulee).