Death Chili

Dave likes making chili, and he likes it spicy — and he likes bacon. So when he saw this recipe on line, it was a natural for him to try it out. The below is a two-pass modification of the original: stuff he did before making it at and stuff he wishes he’d done differently after that first time. 

This is a large recipe (doubled from the original). How many it cooks for depends on how much people eat, but this filled up a very large pot on the stove. 

The name, by the way, doesn’t have to do with the heat, but with the bacon. 


2 lbs. bacon

1 lb. chuck roast, cubed
4 lbs. chuck, ground
12 tbsp garlic ( = 1.5 x 4oz. tube crushed garlic)

4 large onions

8 tbsp ground cumin
8 tbsp black pepper
2 tbsp cinnamon
3 tbsp seasoning salt
2 tbsp worcestershire sauce

1 pint beef stock
2 x 32oz cans of chopped tomatoes
2 tbsp maza / corn flour for thickener

2 x 8oz cans chopped green chilis
3 fresh Serrano peppers
4 tbsp chili pepper


  1. Fry bacon to a crisp. Pour off fat in the skillet.
  2. Brown meat and garlic, Set aside.
  3. Brown onions.
  4. Combine everything and simmer for a few hours.
  5. Let sit in fridge overnight

Note that it really is much better when it sits in the fridge overnight.

Serves: Lots. Like, dozens. Lots of left-overs. 

Source: Original is here, by “timmah.” This recipe (doubled) has been modified to use a bit less cinnamon, half-again the garlic, no tobacco, and half the Serrano peppers. What is not modified is the bacon. “The secret is the bacon,” Timmah says. “Bacon makes everything better.”


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