My Web Links
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My Web Stuff
My Web Links
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My Web Sites

I used to maintain an extensive page of Web links to various topics.  I've stopped doing so, for three reasons.

bulletBit rot:  Links go dead almost as fast as I can research them.
bulletWeb searches:  It's almost as fast (and returns a broader selection) to simply go to Google and search on the topic you're looking for.  Then save it in your Favorites (and use Sync-It to see those Favorites on any machine you visit).  I may actually use Sync-It to publish a list of my current Favorites, for those of you who have interests in such things.
bulletDistribution:  What links I'm keeping I've spread about on the appropriate content pages.  As those get updated, I can update those links.

So if that's why you're here ... sorry.  I hope you enjoy the rest of the show.


This page and its contents, 
unless otherwise noted, are 
Copyright © 2001 by David C. Hill

Questions?  Comments?  Kudos?  Brickbats?  E-mail me.