1. The only section of the newspaper that Katherine was interested in this afternoon was the Car section.
2. Porsche has come out with an SUV. It even (from the picture) looks damned cool. It can also go from 0-100kph in 5.6 seconds. Whoa.
(N.B. Hey, Porsche … “North America” is not a “country”.)
(Via Sekimori)
Of course “North America” is a country… didn’t you see all that Olympic coverage a couple weeks ago where they kept talking about ‘bringing home a medal to North America’ or ‘another North American medal winner’?
The Museum just happens to have a Lamboghini LM002 on display right now. It’s like a Hummer only with a Lamborghini Countach engine.Weighs nearly 3 tons, has twelve inches of ground clearance, gets 8 miles per gallon. The white leather interior is rather fetching although I’m not sure I’d want to get the thing up to the 116 miles per hour that its supposed to go. Oh, it’s also over six feet tall. Excess is action. And only $135,000 – its a steal!
Yeah, that’s about the only way I’d be able to get one — by stealing it.
Not that I’d really want one, mind you. Though it might resolve some of those snowy highway difficulties.