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I’m looking for some sort “karma” mechanism, a la GreyMatter or a number of bulletin board systems. Something that folks could click on next to my posts and give some…

I’m looking for some sort “karma” mechanism, a la GreyMatter or a number of bulletin board systems. Something that folks could click on next to my posts and give some quickie binary feedback, like/dislike.

It would let you let me know where something floated your boat a bit more easily, more anonymously, and less intimidatingly than actually filing a comment. (Though you can always comment. I don’t bite. Hard.)

Anyone have something they can point me at? I’d prefer it be something that I wouldn’t have to change to a .PHP extension on my files.


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7 thoughts on “Karma”

  1. That’s what comments are for, Dave. And if they want to be less public, you have your email posted somewhere around here. I know, because I have used it…

    Are you sure you want to open the forum to people who aren’t in any way accountable?

    You’ve got tougher skin than I do, buddy…

  2. An interesting way to look at it.

    On the other hand, there’s that deafening silence thang. Looking at the post on my page right now (not counting the two from today), 10 have comments. 17 have no comments. Two of those 17 were rather lengthy productions.

    So what does it mean when something has no comments. Yawn? Nothing to add because I said it all? Cold rejection not even worth a snipe? No way to tell.

    I don’t know if an anonymous thumbs-up/down would tell me anything more. But I’d be interested in at least the “ping” it would represent.

  3. Of course, that having been said, I read plenty of blog posts on other pages (duh) that I don’t comment on. Sometimes I’d like to be able to give *them* a thumbs-up without actually filing a comment with nothing in it but a smiley or a “You rock” or whatever.

  4. I see what you’re saying and I think I agree. I normally do quick little posts, but yeah a little thumbs up would be good sometimes. Acknowledge that someone read it. I wrote it to be read and sometimes even laughed at.

  5. I hear ya, Dave. It’s a tough call. It’s why I’ve given up bothering to worry about people commenting on my posts.

    Ask over on the MT forums, see if someone might be able to help or if Ben might have something in the works for a later version.

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