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This-or-That: The Movie!

It’s the Tuesday This-or-That:…

It’s the Tuesday This-or-That:

I’m hampered by being woefully short of movie experience, when it comes to most mainstream flicks of the last decade or two.

1. “Gone With The Wind” or “The Wizard of Oz”? Wow. Two epics, both released in the same years, I believe. Gotta go for the Wizard, as a major component of my childhood (back in the days when the only time you could see a movie was when it was on TV).

2. “Toy Story” or “Shrek”? Believe it or not, I’ve never seen “Toy Story”. We have the twin-DVD (I & II) set, but the first disc has magically vanished, dammit.

3. “Saturday Night Fever” or “Grease”? Never saw them. We sang some tunes from “Grease” in high school choir.

4. “Casablanca” or “Citizen Kane”? Another toughie. “Kane,” I suppose, just because it’s subject is so more epic, and it was a more creative film. I’d rewatch either at the drop of a hat, though.

5. “When Harry Met Sally” or “You’ve Got Mail”? Never saw them.

6. “Forrest Gump” or “Titanic”? Never saw them (though I have to give a reputation vote to “Gump”).

7. “Pretty Woman” or “Working Girl”? Never saw them.

8. “The First Wives Club” or “Thelma & Louise”? Never saw the former. The latter, despite my having acted with one of the actors while in college (Jason Beghe, who plays the hapless cop they run into late in the movie), was quite unsatisfying.

9. “Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory” or “James & the Giant Peach”? Never saw the film rendition of the latter, alas. I love the former (and enjoyed both books immensely).

10. “Legally Blonde” or “Bridget Jones’ Diary”? Never saw them.

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5 thoughts on “This-or-That: The Movie!”

  1. >4. “Casablanca” or “Citizen Kane”? Another toughie. “Kane,” I suppose

    I am shocked–shocked–that you picked that one! It puts me to sleep (as does GWTW, when the southern accents aren’t making me grind my teeth). I’ll take Casablanca over either of those any day. Favorite line: “I was misinformed.”

  2. Oh, Casablanca is a fabulous movie. And for a casual sit-down, I’ll take it over Kane. As far as the better movie, though — well Casablanca is a bit of a melodrama, and the famous ending is more than a little cheesy.

  3. All right. All of you who live near Dave need to tie him down to a chair and pry his eyes open. (See A Clockwork Orange for a demonstration of this procedure.)

    Hook him up with a DVD player with all of the movies that he hasn’t seen, but should. Force him to watch them non stop until he has gone mad.

    Hmmm…maybe that’s a little extreme. Besides, he’s a gamer. We’re all a little mad anyway. The effort might be wasted.

    Never mind.

  4. Well, of the above, there are only a few I haven’t seen that I really feel any need or desire to. Toy Story, James and the Giant Peach, maybe Forrest Gump.

    And I already have a huge stack of movies To Be Seen that I haven’t yet.

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