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Green and pleasant

So we’re going to Britain in February. The plan started out when the Testerfolk and we were considering bidding together on a condo weekend vacation deal at a fund-raiser being…

So we’re going to Britain in February.

The plan started out when the Testerfolk and we were considering bidding together on a condo weekend vacation deal at a fund-raiser being held at Margie and my church. At some point, someone (Jackie, perhaps) noted that for the dollars we were discussing, we could fly to England.

Well … yeah.

So we decided to do that. And then Dave & Lori got tied into the idea.

So off we go, the six of us, for a dozen days to England (London, mostly) and Wales (the south thereof), and whatever places in-between and surrounding we might encounter.

Plans are slowly gelling. Jackie found a good in-town B&B a block or two from Victoria Stn. We’re all tied in there for the first four or five days. Margie put together a list of places in Wales for the group to decide on, so we should be all set there, too.

The other four are flying direct from Denver to Gatwick. We, on the other hand, are taking a short side-jaunt to LA to hand-off Kitten to the grandparents (who, last week were figuring out how to timeshare her), and then flying direct from there to Heathrow. We’ll meet at the B&B.

Two cars are being rented for the extra-London leg of the journey, which should provide the flexibility for different configurations of groups to go off touring whatever it is they want, be it stone circles or Victorian gardens or comic book shops or ruined abbeys or Girls Night Out or …

I’m not daunted by driving in the UK. I’ve found on past visits it’s really not all that difficult, if you keep your mind to it (and have someone in the passenger seat to man the map).

I am a bit daunted about being pretty much completely off-line during that time. Haven’t quite figured out how I’m journaling this trip. Last time it was via post cards sent home. This time … if it’s just journaling, I may use my Palm. I’m not planning, at the moment, to bring my computer.

I’m concerned, of course, by the timing. In mid-February, the US (and Britain) may be at war in Iraq. That would certainly add an extra frisson of interesting times (in the Chinese sense) to the trip. But at the moment, I don’t expect it to actually interfere.

I do have worries about … well, I watched I Love Lucy as a kid way too much. And, inevitably, whenver the Ricardos and Mertzes would undertake a joint venture, whether it was a business or a vacation, inevitably there would be frictions that threatened their friendships. And I really don’t want to see that happen here with our friends. I don’t want tensions about where we’re going, or eating, or staying, or doing (be it some folks pressing an itinerary that the others don’t share, or nobody being willing to suggest anything) to make the trip unpleasant. Heck, I know that sometimes Margie and I clash on such things — throw in four additional personalities, and my Apprehensometer goes ping-ping-ping.

I know I’m being paranoid about such things. That’s my nature.

Hmmmm. It could make for a fun Reality Show, though. Think we could arrange for sponsors at this late date?

Paranoia and apprehension and concerns aside … I’m getting excited. It’s actually going to be a hell of a lot of fun.

Now for the big question: how many cameras do I bring?

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17 thoughts on “Green and pleasant”

  1. Bring all of your Camera’s Dave!

    Ummm, do you need to be right near Victoria Station? The Place we stayed at in London was two blocks from the Goodge street station (yes look it up on your map). It was three blocks from the Museum, and a station stop or two from anything else.

    The UK, the second funnest/best country to drive a car in!

  2. Might I suggest a short side-trip to Canterbury, England? It makes for a fantastic day trip from London – a couple hours on the train in the morning, and you’re free to wander about the old cobblestone streets filled with shops that range from the GAP to Ye Olde Souvenire Shoppe. Not to mention the unbelievably beautiful Canterbury Cathedral that has such a fascinating history!

    There, I’ve said my plug. 😀

    Hope your trip goes well…I’m jealous! 🙂

  3. Well, heck, there are about several years of short side-trips we can make.

    Still, Canterbury’s something to pin on the map as a possible place to visit.

    Being by Victoria Stn has some travel conveniences … and we’re already locked in with the B&B and the nearby car hires.

  4. You don’t have to worry about me Dave, just put a leash around my neck and I’ll be happy to go and do whatever!!!!

    Oh and Happy Be-Lated birthday!!!!! I’m sorry I missed it, I didn’t know.


  5. There are internet cafes all over the place. Cassie Claire is in England now, and posting regularly on her fandom LJ.

    So fear not the posting ability. Though Palming is a good way to keep a travelogue, as I did for my Las Vegas trip last February.

    Are you just staying on the mainland? No trips to Ireland?

    Be warned. Wales is full of two things. Rocks and sheep. You may think this is funny, but it is also true.

    Make sure you try to stop at Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch. They have the best fish & chips. Our guide when we were on the British Isles just called it “gogogoch.”

  6. We’ve done Wales before. We found it much less oversettled than, say, the West Country of England, but much greener and populous than, say, the Scottish Highlands. A good mix.

    Wales has lots of fun castles, cathedrals, pottery shops, and other cool stuff, including the cathedral of St. David-Way-The-Heck-Out-There.

    Given that we’re there for only a dozen days, we decided two “bases” — London, and something in the Cardiff/Newport area. Not enough time to make it over to Eire (or elsewhere in Britain, for that matter).

    Our motto, when we were in Britain last, was: “Lambs. Too cute for words. Not too cute to eat.”

  7. Well, Julia beat me to my suggestion. So there, nah….

    And Lori…Aren’t you engaged now? Sometime next year that Leash is going to be that other Dave’s (Nik Nik, Little Root), Not this Dave’s. Just to make that as clear as mud.

  8. P.S.

    British Air is running cheap airfares till 1/20/03 Something like $300 RT from Denver. Direct flight. Bet it really gets cheap in Febuary…

  9. Geez, for one I try to say something completely innocent and now I’ve got the guys ganging up on me. Hmmmph, I’m gonna have to get Jackie and Margie to back me up!!!


  10. Geez, for once I try to say something completely innocent and now I’ve got the guys ganging up on me. Hmmmph, I’m gonna have to get Jackie and Margie to back me up!!!


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