In the process of cutting over to the new(ish) style. Apologies for any pixellated dust.
Weekend Update!
In the process of cutting over to the new(ish) style. Apologies for any pixellated dust….
In the process of cutting over to the new(ish) style. Apologies for any pixellated dust….
In the process of cutting over to the new(ish) style. Apologies for any pixellated dust.
For some reason, part-way down the page, the boxes containing each individual entry (and the entries inside) get wider. Is that intentional or accidental? It looks a bit odd, and now that I think about it, I should have mentioned it with respect to the trial version you had up. (I’m using Mozilla 1.6 on a Mac, so maybe it’s Mozilla that’s messed up.)
Because there are not explicit floats in the CSS (my best guess browsing the CSS code), Mozilla will not do multiple columns. Since Microsoft isn’t standards compliant with respect to CSS, making it look good on Microsoft sometimes breaks the CSS in other browsers. What does it look like on Safari?
Well, heck.
Yes, Dave, that would have been helpful in during the trial version.
I’ll have to take a look at it.
Oh MY! I just looked in Safari, and it’s mega different! Mozilla doesn’t show the column of photos on the left side or the Column of misc. stuff on the right side either. And the place where the blog entries get wider is about the right place where those columns would end if they were there. Very Strange. I’ve not kept up on browser-compatability issues lately, and particularly not with CSS stuff (time to catch back up again), but I was under the impression that Mozilla and Safari were both highly standards-compliant. So, it’s puzzling to me that the same page can appear so dramatically different on the two browsers.
Sorry Dave, for some reason it just never occured to me to mention the width thing until now. I was so caught up in looking at the fonts that all else receeded into the background.
I hate browsers …
Same column & width problems in Firefox for WinXP. And in my version of IE, the text box for the entries columns overlaps the contents of the right column.
I’ll take a look at it when schedule permits (which may be in a day or two). Of course, if anyone out there is a cross-platform CSS whiz …
When I click on comments, a new window opens up with the entire entry. The columns don’t quite line up in Firefox — haven’t checked Safari yet, but I LOVE th enew font. Much, much easier to read!
The “going to the individual entry archive with the comments down at the bottom” thang is a design feature, not a bug. I prefer, myself, to have it that way — having the whole post available rather than just the popup comments window.