Doonesbury scores (albeit leadenly) on a Constitutional issue.
We the People
Doonesbury scores (albeit leadenly) on a Constitutional issue….
Doonesbury scores (albeit leadenly) on a Constitutional issue….
Doonesbury scores (albeit leadenly) on a Constitutional issue.
I’m just amused that nobody’s asked the question yet in RL.
Indeed. They should.
Of course, to be fair, being a strict constructionist doesn’t necessarily mean that the Constitution cannot be amended, only that it should be construed strictly, not allowing the government to do anything that isn’t clearly stated. Indeed, a strict constructionist would be more likely to push for Constitutional amendments than a loose constructionist, since the latter would be more likely find ways to interpret the text to read as they wished.
Still, for someone who has touted the Constitution as such a fine foundational document, it’s a bit odd to see the number of amendments the President has supported in differing degrees at different times.