We’re (belatedly) doing some rec center activities for Katherine — Fridays at the drop-in art class in the late morning, and this week cooking class in the late afternoon. (“Will I learn me to cook?” she asks with interest last night, either mangling the syntax inadvertently or because I’ve been reading to her some fine Uncle Remus tales). Her dance class wraps up at the end of the month, and we have her set up for a swim class in the same Saturday morning time slot thereafter.
So did the first art class Friday. The rec center is just far enough away that, for a two hour class, it’s annoying to drop off, drive home, drive back, pick up. So I tried driving half-way home and stopping at a Peaberry‘s that is tied into the dial-up/broadband provider my company contracts with. I learned two things: Peaberry Polar Bears are still too sweet for my taste, and I couldn’t figure out the Wi-fi connection there (or get it to work) — and there was no literature or posters or anything on how to figure it out. I could connect to the router, but not through it to anything, despite the updated iPass client on my machine. Rrg.
It did give me a chance to get my fonts organized, though.
Katherine made a fun tempera rainbow painting, several watercolors, and a tissue paper snake that she adored.
Spent the afternoon at the pool with Kitten after Margie got home. Came back, and Margie whipped up some batter for some lebkuchen that Katherine chose from the cookbook. I got to roll them out (not well) and bake them (too long), but they turned out edible nonetheless.
Margie went off to game, Katherine went to bed, and I burned the evening watching A Wrinkle in Time and doing goofy stuff on CafePress. Got to bed too late. Rrg.
Up with the chickens, or at least with the Kittens. Actually, Katherine didn’t wander in to wake me up until 7:30a, which was good. Still groggy going downstairs, though. I keep hoping for, and dreading, the day she decides that she can go downstairs on her own on the weekend mornings. Though it’s too early, she still functions as an effective alarm clock, and some weekend we’re going to get up too late for some commitment and go racing about the house at high speed, just because Katherine let us sleep in.
Off to dance class, which is wrapping up. Not sure what to do there — Katherine is still enjoying it, but she should move on to some other dance stuff, I think, rather than take this class once more. Problem is, it’s a really convenient time slot (previously 9a on Saturdays, now 10a), and a really great teacher. Must discuss with Margie.
Came home, then off to the pool. We’re grabbing those pool moments with Katherine whenever we can (perforce at her urgent urging), aware of late-afternoon thunderstorms closing the place down. She’s getting really good at going about the whole pool on her noodle, jumping from the side to us, and dunking her head. The last swim teacher she had at the pool had let her go under on a dive-in and scared the bejeesus out of her; she’s pretty much recovered from that, but we’ve not had a chance (yet) for more classes for her. I think she’s ready.
We finally got together for Doyce’s Chrysalis campaign again, the first time since (ack!) April (illness, vacations, inability to focus, whatever, excuses, we’ve had a few). And, at that, we ended up still sitting around and gabbing for way, way, too much time, playing for very, very little. Though it was still a lot of fun, and I don’t begrudge the evening.
Off to church, lickety-clickety. Bonnie’d asked if we could video-tape her sermon, so we did, which led to various pew-shifting hilarity, particularly with Katherine. That all went well, though, and we headed off to brunch, then … well, Margie was providing food for the Newcomers Luncheon back at the church (larger than expected turnout, as it turned out), so she ran off to do that, whilst I did frantic last-second prep for my game.
Which I got finished, and ready to go by the time folks arrived, and a moderately good time seemed to be had by all. Stan brought in a new character, not liking the feel for his old one as converted to FATE. It was a new module, which meant loads of planning by the players, certainly beyond what was needful — but, rather than railing at it and at the stuff folks did that beyond the box text, I just rolled with it and had a good time. And things certainly seem to be progressing well for our heroes, so they’re busy waiting for the other shoe to drop …
That all ran into night-time, with some scrumptuous brined pork chops a la Margie making an appearance toward the end. Once all had departed, we pretty quickly crashed. Well, Katherine and Margie did. I’d intended to, but got into some extensive Googling of the area where the module is supposed to be taking place, which got me to bed later than I’d wanted, and then I didn’t sleep well because of a dislodged fitted sheet, an irritating cat, and other minor annoyances like that, so it’s going to be a loooong week.
The siding folks came by a couple of times over the weekend to scope the place out some more and plan their attack — which they seem to have launched this morning, per Margie’s IM. Huzzah!
And now you know.