Okay, this is going to ramble. Deal with it.
Goes Without Saying Thang #1: If you have a political opinion in this country, the government has no right to suppress it, or oppress you.
Goes Without Saying Thang #2: Things not the government (e.g., individuals, corporations, other private entitites) are not the government.
I made a couple of comments of Loudon Wainwright III singing an anti-Bush song at the concert we went to last night. Now, it was absolutely his right to do so, and had the Denver PD or the FBI suddenly shown up to drag him off, I like to think I would have been in the forefront (by my seat if for no other reason) in fending them off.
That said, it still bugged me, and put a pall on an otherwise enjoyable experience.
It was a good tune, mind you, with all of the hallmarks of Wainwright’s style. And he certainly feels strongly about it, enough so to make it available as a free MP3 download, after he’s been extremely critical of music file sharing and the like.
But … but …
So I’ve read the newpaper stories about recording artists who make an anti-Bush statement, and get booed off-stage. And I know that’s by no means a universal thing because, frankly, aside from some scattered boos and cat-calls, Wainwright got pretty much solid applause from the congregation. Which makes sense because, well, he’s the kind of guy who you’d expect to be anti-Bush, and to actually say something about it, and it’s likely that most of the folks who would go to one of his concerts would feel similarly.
I didn’t, though I’m rarely a decent bellwether for popular culture or opinion. Not that I’m a huge fan of Bush’s, no matter what impression I may have given here at times — there are things he’s done (Iraq) I strongly agree with, and others I don’t, and the former are tending to outweigh the latter (especially given the candidatorial alternative), but it’s not like I’m going to be naming any hypothetical sons George or anything. I’d give a bright shiny nickel to have a candidate I could vigorously support; instead, I’m stuck with one I grudgingly and irritatedly am willing to go along with because I find the alternative less attractive and the opposition deeply aggravating in their condemnation of everything Bushy.
But I digress.
I think I would have felt better if Wainwright had inserted the song into the middle of his set. It would have made his point, and yet wouldn’t have been the final point made. I daresay most if not all of the folks there (for at least his half of the show) are willing to go along with his auctorial viewpoint for the most part. Yet politics in this election year has, for whatever reason, become such a polarizing thing that it seems to me that a creator who wants to make a political point needs must do so carefully, because it’s just as easy to alienate a bunch of fans as it is to jazz them up, and while Bush-bashing is certainly popular in many crowds, speaking for myself I’d just as soon go to a concert and not hear bashing of either candidate.
Which lack, of course, I got with David Wilcox, even though I didn’t care for him as much. So I name my poison and take my chances, I suppose, but while I defend to the death any artist’s right to express their opinion, I don’t commit to supporting them commercially if their opinion is, to me, irksome enough.
That’s not censorship — that’s patronage. And artists may rail against that all they like, but it’s, for most artists, a fact of life. Just as it is, socially, for all of us.
As you said, going to his concert was your choice. I must point out however, that a folk concert without an anti-Bush song (especially from someone who regularly does write songs of protest, albeit with humor) is unlikely given the present campaign season. Louden is a product of the 60s era, a true believer in the progressive message, if you will. I think his core fans would be surprised if he didn’t sing against Bush at lesat once.
I would love to remove the right wing bias from the local newspaper’s politacal cartoons, but since I have no alternative in a local paper, I have to at least put up with their presence on the Op-Ed page. I know I’m buying a conservative paper; I don’t like many of the opinions, but I do want most of the reat of the paper. (Not exactly analogous, but related.)
No, it’s actually a fine analogy (and one reason why I don’t read the paper much these days 🙂 ). And, as you (and I) pointed out, hearing an anti-Bush song should hardly be a surprise from him.
I just sort of wish he hadn’t made it his finale. But that’s his prerogative, as mine is to consider that next time he comes to town.
Hmmm…I guess it’s a good thing you didn’t go to the BNL concert because you’d have not been amused by one of their raps.
I might well have. I dunno.
The more I think of it, the more I have a sense of it being less that LWIII doesn’t like Bush (so do a number of folks I respect) nor that he sang a funny anti-Bush song (which, if actually funny, I can get into), but that he did it as his closing number, making it the capstone of the performance. And, frankly, neither the sentiment nor the song were that good, which made it feel more like a personal indulgence than an aesthetic expression. {shrug}
Isn’t being up on stage a “personal indulgence” for most performers?
Given the current polarization of the populace around their respective candidates, I am not surprised that Loudon choose to end with this song. He obviously feels strongly about it and it is popular. The closer we get to the election the worse it is going to get. The middle ground keeps getting smaller. I’m just sorry that I missed it.
If he did not censor himself because there were small children dancing around, why should he censor himself politically?
Hmmm. True. And, again, it’s certainly both his right and his judgment call to have done it. I just found it irritating, probably because this whole election and the issues around it are a constant irritant.
Can we just fast-forward to mid-November? Or is it going to end even then, regardless of who wins?
Nope…no ending.
If bush wins, then things will continue as they are, except maybe angrier.
If Kerry wins, it will be the return to how the RWCM behaved under Clinton.
It’s enough to make me wish I were devoutly partisan. At least then I’d have something I could look forward to.
Dave – you need the political equivalent to parental controls. It’s either that or cold turkey – no media.
Yeah, like that’s likely to happen.
No, I’ll just get by with deep sighs and occasional blog-whinging.