After a lot of work by the Profile Committee, the profile of the parish — who we are, what we do, what we’re looking for in a rector — has been passed on to us on the Search Committee. Which means Dave’s the idjit at the table raising his hand and saying he’ll take a swing at some further edits.
Many, many hours (and a dearth of bloggage) later … I think I have something that will (a) be attractive to potential candidates, and (b) not royally torque off too many parishioners. Talk about a politically sensitive document. You’ve got folks saying we need to be warts-and-all (regardless of whether that’s realistic), and folks who say we need to be sweetness and spin (ditto), and everyone has their own opinion. Add to that some folks who are equally fussy wordsmiths on the committee (though not has good as I am, of course), and the need for committee approval, Vestry approval, and eventual review by the parish itself, and …
… well, at this point, if someone called for my resignation from the Vestry or the Search Committee or both, I would be hurt by both the sentiment and by the whiplash ensuing as I reached for a pen to sign said resignation. 🙂
We shall see.