Because I’m sure there was one in there somewhere.
With the exception of Friday afternoon’s SCatWoT screening, this was the All Religious Stuff, All The Time (Plus Food) weekend. Our parish was doing a Faith Alive weekend, except that it wasn’t, because they don’t do FA in parishes with an interim rector, they do something called “Faith Stories,” which is, evidently, something of a pale reflection of the main event. I dunno.
Anyway, it was alternately passably interesting and occasionally inspirational and a fine getting-closer-together sort of thing, marred only by the lower-than-expected turn-out. That I was the only Vestry member there (until Saturday evening) was both irritating and commented-upon, and I’m considering how to diplomatically raise that to the others. We are, after all, the elected leadership of the parish, and if we’re not there to lead …
So that was Friday night, and Saturday morning, and Saturday night (with a break Saturday afternoon, thank heavens). Pot luck dinner the first night, donuts and fruit and Margie’s Raisin Bran muffins and the like Saturday morning, and Everyone Bring More Dessert Than We Can Possibly Eat on Saturday night (yummy flourless chocolate cake from Margie).
They had a separate program for the kids (all two of ’em, including Katherine) during the adult program, and Kitten had a blast, as well as, from what I heard, being impressive as all hell with her cleverness.
Sunday morning? Church. Sunday afternoon. My game.
Well, no, not my game, since, in checking the calendar Saturday evening, I discovered that we had a Vestry Social Get Together And Do Something Other Than Talk Business gathering, over at someone’s house starting mid-afternoon. Rats. I’d missed the previous one, and really felt I needed to attend (you know, that whole Leadership idea?). Margie had other things to do (though she did make a yummy berry cake dessert for the cause), and Katherine came with me. It was, in general, a good time, good fellowship, bocce ball, etc., and not particularly churchy, save for the underlying reason we were all there. But by the time it was over, I was about churched-related-activitied out.
This week — two evenings devoted to churchy stuff. Plus our Hungry Flock dinner on Saturday. And, of course, church on Sunday. And scheduling a time to meet with the delegates to the diocesan convention in two weeks (which delegation I’m in charge of). Yeesh. Don’t I know I’m supposed to compartmentalize all this stuff into a neat little 1.25 hr/wk package and ignore it the rest of the time?
No, but seriously, I’m past discovering why most Vestry members start to get that eager experession in their faces as their terms come to an end. I have a year and change left in mine, along however long the rector search process takes. After which, yes, I expect to take a welcome break from the “time” part of my stewardship.
The trick right now is how to avoid getting one Very Large Further Scoop of Time Commitment dolloped out onto my plate. One which I really should do, but am seriously shrinking from (except for the “if not me, then whom?” part of it).
In other news …
Several months ago, the stopper in Katherine’s bathtub broke — the little thing that you flip the lever for and it stops the drain. I tried replacing it, and had problems getting the right length of chain so that the little lever would move properly. So I replaced the whole get-up with a foot-operable valve in the drain, click-click. Which, like any suction cup thingy, appears to need replacement on a regular basis. Bah.
So I decided what we really needed to do was replace it with a weight-based cover, like Jim and Ginger have. And we spent a goodly part of both Saturday and Sunday afternoons trying at our local Home Depot (x2), Lowe’s, Expo, and Great Indoors, to find one that (a) matched what I was looking for, and (b) was the right size.
No joy.
So I need to hit HD one more time and go with a compromise unit, dagnabbit.
Meanwhile, the mini-blinds in our master bedroom have suffered a major failure, such that the weighted bottom bar is no longer fully attached. So we bought some cheap replacements (still to be installed) so that we can fill in with them until we finish our room redecorating plan.
Speaking of redecorating, the drywall guy will be in today, finally doing the drywall taping/mudding/texturing in the dining room. Huzzah! Only almost a year after we did the work … (And kudos to Margie for actually doing the scheduling, rather than waiting for me to get off my butt to do it.)
On the down side, the Paint Police Lady never made it to the house last week like she was supposed to, so we haven’t made any progress on that. And the folks who were supposed to call us with a quote on the back doors didn’t, so no progress on that. And we looked at garage doors at Lowe’s and were singularly unimpressed, so no progress there.
Kitten’s been suffering from allergies over the past week or so, and woke up Saturday wee-hours with a bad dream (which, no doubt, involved hacking and coughing and wheezing), so that didn’t do our sleeping any good — Margie in particular, as we gave in and let Kitten crawl into bed with us, and she lived up to her feline nickname and took up two-thirds of Margie’s side of the bed.
Last night we had high winds, which were disturbing, and Margie’s allergies were kicking in, which kept her up quite a bit, so early bed time tonight.
And that was our woo-woo exciting weekend.