When Margie went to pick up Katherine at preschool yesterday, she found out that the school had been on a “lockdown” between 3 and 4 — and, as of a half-hour earlier, there were still a gaggle of police cars at a house down the street.
No details on what was going on, and nothing in this morning’s paper that I can find.
Annoyingly, the school did try to contact us. They called the house (and nobody was there). Then, rather than dialing my cell phone number (the one marked as the primary alternate with a great big star next to it), they tried calling Margie’s office. They did not leave a message, and then went on to try to contact other parents.
Granted, they were a bit harried, but that’s what procedures are for, right?
Margie reemphasized to them that the big star was next to my cell phone for a reason.
(Kitten, of course, took the whole thing in stride. For her it was just a chance to be in a different room with a bunch of other kids.)