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Can’t slip anything over on her

So when we put the ceiling fan up in Katherine’s room, when she was an infant (or was it even before she was born?), we put a single 25w light…

So when we put the ceiling fan up in Katherine’s room, when she was an infant (or was it even before she was born?), we put a single 25w light bulb into one of the two sockets. The thought was that it would be less disturbing if we turned it on while she was asleep, etc., especially since, when she got older, she liked going to bed with it on.

Well, I decided that I wanted to start weaning her off a night-time big light. So while she was taking her bath, I replaced the single 25w with two 60w bulbs.

Ah, I thought to myself. She won’t notice the difference consciously, but it will be too bright for her to go to sleep by, and she’ll want me to change over to the little lamp in the corner. Clever plan, Dave!

After her bath, she ran into her room, to get on her pjs. She stopped, looked around.

“Daddy! I can see everything in my room better!”

Well, yeah. It was always sort of a dimly lit room before — fully but only slightly illuminated.

“Yeah, I replaced the light bulbs in the ceiling fan,” I confessed.

“You even took out the moths in there?”

Yes, I most pointedly had. “Uh-huh.”

“THANK YOU, DADDY!” she shouted, and ran over and hugged me.

Well. My cunning plan didn’t work, but I got a nice dividend anyway.

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