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Wednesday update

Busy, busy, busy … Drove to pick Katherine up. Parent-Teacher Conference night, with ours scheduled for 6. Unfortunately, that confluences with several other things that need to happen that night,…

Busy, busy, busy …

  1. Drove to pick Katherine up. Parent-Teacher Conference night, with ours scheduled for 6. Unfortunately, that confluences with several other things that need to happen that night, including Margie cooking stuff for a big clergy conference at the church today.
  2. Pick up Katherine, who is all weepy because she didn’t have enough time to play with the gauzy rainbow butterfly wings that the other kids were playing with. Provide time, making things go better, until she seriously dawdles on the way out.

  3. Get into the car. Katherine immediately has to go potty, “really, really badly.” Indicate the sudden onset of this condition seems unlikely.

  4. Drive to the comic book store. Skipping Starbucks today, because we’re going to be eating dinner shortly, because of the PTC. Katherine still has to go potty “really, really badly,” so we park by the King Soopers. It’s raining. We go inside.

  5. Katherine heads to the restroom (where, mercifully, she is now 95% self-sufficient, only sometimes needing help to wash her hands), while I call Margie. I know she has to do shopping for the cooking tonight, so I offer to do any non-CostCo stuff while there. She gives me a lengthy list and her gratitude. I return the favor with most of the items on her list, of which most are actually the right thing to have bought.

  6. No time for comics. No time for the bank. Head to McD’s for dinner.

  7. Margie is stuck in traffic, after having hit CostCo. Go to the PTC.

  8. Teacher, Ms. Dana, waxes enthusiastic about Katherine’s smarts, her language skills, her penmanship, her Spanish skills, her independence, her helpfulness, etc., etc. Everything a parent could hope for. Even the areas for improvement aren’t bad — she gets so eager to talk that she has problems taking turns with it; she needs work with holding scissors properly. Speaking skills still need work, and may have plateaued a bit. Ms. Dana is pleased by her summer school plans, and thinks that she’ll rock in Kindergarten.

  9. Margie, who has forged through cross-town rainy traffic to get to the PTC, arrives just as we’re exiting. She is Not Amused.

  10. Head home. Make some phone calls. Margie starts in on cooking, while I get Kitten down to bed.

  11. Rush over to the Testerfolks to borrow the crockpot that I was supposed to have borrowed on the way home. Bring over pregnancy clothes for Jackie to check out. Stop by the store to buy the correct stuff that I bought incorrectly earlier in the evening.

  12. Help Margie with cooking — three yummy soups, three yummy desserts — while also cleaning the house for the house cleaners today.

  13. Pack up car for Margie to take everything down to the church last night so that she can go straight to her busy day of meetings today.

  14. Go to bed.

Not, all told, a bad evening, but anything but relaxing or entertaining.

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