Fun test to see how well you fit into Christian orthodoxy or, failing that, into one or another of the “classic” heresies. (The test does presume a Christian mindset to begin with, so probably won’t fit too well for Reformist Zen Taoists or Foundationists or the like).
You scored as Chalcedon compliant. Congratulations, you’re not a heretic. You believe that Jesus is truly God and truly man and like us in every respect, apart from sin. Officially approved in 451.
Are you a heretic? |
I came close, though, as a Pelagian (more detailed description here) which is probably not a big surprise. And, frankly, for all that I can talk about Christian theological esoterica, my own beliefs (aside from being my own and between me and God) are that a lot of this stuff is more about counting angels on the heads of pins than doing what is “right and pleasing.” Loving God and our Neighbor — and acting on same — are a lot more important than debating the nature of the substance of Christ as man, God, divided, united, created, begotten, whatever, esp. to the extent that such debate gets in the way of feeding the hungry, helping those who need help, etc.
(via Fr. Jake)