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“Have you evah …?”

1. Taken a picture completely naked? No.. 2. Danced in front of a mirror naked? Not that I recall. 3. Told a lie? Yeah. 4. Had feelings for someone…

1. Taken a picture completely naked? No..
2. Danced in front of a mirror naked? Not that I recall.
3. Told a lie? Yeah.
4. Had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back? Yes.
5. Been arrested? No.
6. Seen someone die? No.
7. Kissed a picture? Yes. Usually on business trips..
8. Slept in until 5pm? Almost certainly — probably after a Blogathon or something.
9. Had sex at work (on the clock)? Not at work, no. At home, some time, when I was officially on duty? Don’t think so.
10. Fallen asleep at work/school? Alas, yes. Not at work, but at school. Some of those 8 a.m. classes were brutal. And poor Dr. Carroll — I really liked him and his History of Rome, but the nodding off was almost impossible to avoid …
11. Held a snake? Sure. No sweat.
12. Ran a red light? Not intentionally.

13. Been suspended from school? Nope.
14. Pole danced? Nope.
15. Been fired from a job? No.
16. Sang karaoke? Yes. Been a while. “Secret Agent Man” is my standard.
17. Done something you told yourself you wouldn’t? All too often.
18. Laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose? Nope.
19. Laughed until you peed? Nope.
20. Caught a snowflake on your tongue? Yes. 🙂
21. Kissed in the rain? Yes.

22. Had sex in the rain? No, alas.
23. Sang in the shower? Too often for anyone’s comfort. Do it a lot less these days, largely because on the weekdays I shower at 5 a.m., and don’t want to wake anyone up.
24. Gave your private parts a nickname? No, but there was some really amusing standard eliptical reference that Margie and I came up with that I cannot for the life of me recall right now. I mean, it wasn’t one of those personification talking-to-your-private-parts-so-gotta-call-them-something sort of thing. Hmmmm.

25. Ever gone to school/work without underwear? Not that I can recall. Sort of a comfort thing.
26. Sat on a roof top? Yes.
27. Played chicken? No.
28. Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on? Aaah … can’t think of a circumstance.
29. Broken a bone? I might have broke/fractured a toe once. Never had it X-rayed. But no broken arms/legs/ribs sorts of things.
30. Flashed someone? Not really (nobody other than Margie that I can recall).
31. Mooned someone? Nope.
32. Shaved your head? Well, my haircuts can come close, but no — seems like a lot of work.
33. Slept naked? Yes. Though a lot less as Kitten has gotten older.
34. Blacked out from drinking? No, but I’ve gotten really, really, really sleepy …
35. Played a prank on someone? Yeah, but not often. They usually go badly.
36. Had a gym membership? No.
37. Felt like killing someone? Not seriously, no. Well, nobody I knew.
38. Cried over someone you were in love with? Yuppers.
39. Had Mexican jumping beans for pets? No.
40. Been in a band? Been in a choir. Been in a musical. Been in an orchestra. Not a band.
41. Shot a gun? A couple of times.
42. Shot a bow and arrow? Tried to take archery in college. First day, someone broke into and stole the equipment.
43. Played strip poker? Nope.
44. Donated Blood? Yes, fairly regularly at times. Make it convenient for me, and I’ll do it, no matter how much I hate needles.
45. Ever jump out of an airplane? No, alas.
46. Been to more than 10 countries? Mmmm .. US, Canada, Mexico, UK, Ireland … nope, though I’d love to. Unless you count hopping onto embassy grounds in Washington DC, in which case, yes.

(via BD)

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