As we plunge into December, I have a bit over 95 miles left to go in my 1,500 Miles to Nowhere, and 20 days to do them in. It’s going to be tight — my YTD average is 4.09 miles/day, and I needed to be doing 4.11 miles per day to hit the mark. At this point, I’ll need 4.74 miles/day until the end of the year — which is doable, but it will be tight.
Meanwhile, weight-wise, I’m right at 200 lbs. (or was before the weekend — didn’t weigh this morning). I’d love to get down another few pound persistently — we’ll see how it goes.
Woot! Go Dave! You’re a surrogate exerciser for the S.L.U.G.s (Subversive Legion of Unwashed Gamers)!
I think Doyce is better qualified there, but I’ll take my props where I can get them. 🙂
By which I mean (looking at what I just wrote) that Doyce is a much more diligent exerciser than I am (not that he is more slug-ish than you are). 🙂
Nor that he’s more unwashed than I am. 🙂
Well, dude is a bachelor now … 🙂
Lighting a match may not be building a fire, but it’s better than sitting in the dark. Way to go! Speaking of which, i’d better get on my may.
Also, I believe that if you look it up, you’ll find that traditionally “bachelor” is like “virgin” – once lost, it cannot be reclaimed.
From Merriam-Webster Online:
bachelor: 3a: an unmarried man
unmarried: b: being divorced or widowed
So it grows back. 😉