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Lie down with dogs, get up with fleas

Boy, you’re out of town then down sick for a couple of days and you miss all sorts of things. Like Ann Coulter demonstrating … her … Ann Couterishness. Speaking…

Boy, you’re out of town then down sick for a couple of days and you miss all sorts of things. Like Ann Coulter demonstrating … her … Ann Couterishness.

Speaking Friday at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Washington, D.C., Coulter closed her remarks with: “I was going to have a few comments on the other Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards, but it turns out you have to go into rehab if you use the word ‘faggot,’ so I—so kind of an impasse, can’t really talk about Edwards.”

Audience members appeared startled, then many clapped, and she opened the floor to questions. The event was carried on C-SPAN.

Hardly the worst thing Coulter’s ever let out of her mouth, but … jeez, what was CPAC thinking, inviting her to speak at their gathering … again? Evidently they were expecting just some Coulterish zaniness.

ACU, the event’s primary sponsor and CPAC strive to provide a platform and forum for a variety of differing views and personalities. ACU and CPAC do not condone or endorse every speaker or their comments at the conference. As such, ACU and CPAC leave it to our audience to determine whether comments are appropriate or not. “Ann Coulter is known for comments that can be both provocative and outrageous. That was certainly the case in her 2007 CPAC appearance and previous ones as well. But as a point of clarification,
let me make it clear that ACU and CPAC do not condone or endorse the use of hate speech,” said David A. Keene, ACU Chairman.

Then why do you invite someone who’s known for it? And, as importantly, will you invite her again?

Because if you don’t disapprove of using an anti-gay slur, and using it against a political oppontent just to be namecalling, then obviously you “condone and endorse” it. Not much wiggle room there. And if you invite her back again, we have to assume you support her “provocative and outrageous” discourse. C’mon, people — take a stand and let America know what you really believe.

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3 thoughts on “Lie down with dogs, get up with fleas”

  1. Isn’t she the best know & best-selling neocon spokesperson? (Spokeswanker, spokeshatemonger…)

    She IS the face of the GOP. They love her. She can prove it at her bank.

  2. I dislike tarring all Republicans with one brush (just ’cause I know a few who are, in fact, fairly rational, and I’ve even been known to vote for one or two in my time), but the insane popularity of her particular bilge (there are others, on either end of the tattered fringe, who can match her, but she certainly draws the biggest paychecks) is discouraging to no end.

    One can but hope that someone will rein her in, directly or indirectly.

  3. True.
    She represents the majority, judging by concrete results (book sales, applause at CPAC, etc.), but nobody ever represents everyone in a political party. Or any large group.
    Judging by that applause, it’s about 60-40, maybe 70-30 who are Coulterites.

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